The House of Nod Halloween Special

The House of Nod Halloween Special was a one-night-only televised spectacular, created to keep the spookiest night of the year alive at the peak of the pandemic in October of 2020. Ruby Wolf starred as vampiric queen-of-the-ghouls Demonica opposite her co-(g)host Victor Von Astro (Robert Kolodny). This 90-minute special, featured chilling sketches, haunted skits, and musical performances by Japanese Breakfast, Lexie (w/ members of Frankie Cosmos), Gabby’s World, Slight Of, The Glow, The Dead Elvi and, of course, the ultra creepy Halloween House Band. View the special in it’s entirety here and be sure to stay tuned all the way ‘til the end for the LIVE! All-Monster Beauty Pageant!

Ruby Wolf